Food For All Reading

Help With Hunger By Donating Today!

Get Involved

If you’re interested in becoming a part of our initiative, we want to hear from you!

Volunteer hours served in 2020-21.

lbs of food distributed in 2020

Free Meals Served In 2020

Our Mission

Working towards a sustainable society

Reading Hub

Reading is one of the hub for Food For All Charity. With the help of volunteers, we distribute 1000 plates of free food to homeless, Community Fridge and university.

1000 Meals a Month Makes an Impact

One million meals served over covid helps us serve a million more

Make A Real Change In Someone’s Life

Food For All is an entirely volunteer-run organisation and therefore depends heavily on the help of lots of amazing volunteers to produce and distribute thousands of meals to the vulnerable every day. If you’re interested in becoming a part of our initiative, we want to hear from you!

Donate Today or Get Involved

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Help With Hunger By Donating Today!

We are currently accepting donations via Bank Transfer

Bank: Barclays Bank
Account Name: Food For All
Account Number: 20149187
Sort Code: 20-44-91