This year December 25, 2020 marks the anniversary day the Bhagavad-gita was spoken. If we had to choose a single book to represent the spiritual and cultural traditions of India, we would certainly choose the Gita. In 700 beautiful verses it summarises the philosophical conclusions of the Vedas. The scope of the Bhagavad-gita is huge. It covers
topics ranging from religion to relationships, science to sociology, leadership to lifestyle management. Indeed, the secrets to life, the universe and everything. In every generation, over thousands of years, it has provided unceasing inspiration to thinkers, leaders, and spiritualists alike.

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Entire Bhagavad Gita Recitation

Recite the entire Bhagavad gita… in 4 hours! Refresh your soul in the company of His Grace Vishal Gauranga Dasa & Her Grace Amala Manjari Devi Dasi.

The Bhagavad-Gita is a sacred text across all Hindu traditions and is considered a summary of all ancient Vedic philosophical texts. The Gita was spoken by Lord Krishna Himself to His best friend Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, 5,000 years ago. The Bhagavad-Gita, literally means “The Lord’s Song” and is understood as a conversation between Krishna and Arjuna but meant for the whole world’s benefit.

The entire 700 verses of the Gita will be recited, and chapter summaries will be presented. You can join along in the reading from the comfort of your homes.